Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday Words

"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."
Muhammed Ali

Friday, June 25, 2010

My Daddy

In Loving Memory of my sweet Daddy
November 13, 1934 - June 25, 2009

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Camp Hargis

Here's a few of them boys going to Camp Hargis this week! A couple of their group is riding the bus. And a few of us got together and are carpooling. They are having a blast! They come home each day filthy and tired!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Peach Run

Saturday we walked/ran in the Clanton Peach Run! I have never been a runner although I would love to be one. It all started a while back when my sister, Renee said she wanted to walk in the Mercedes Marathon next February. She said we could walk as long as we finished in 4 hours. So I said sure! I thought I have a long time to get ready. I walk regularly anyway.

Well about a month ago she calls and says they are having a run in Clanton (where she lives) and wanted me to do it with her. The lady said there was no time limit and we could walk, we didn't have to run. So like a fool, I said OK. Here we are before the run.

My brother in law, Doug took the picture above. That's his finger in the bottom corner.

I was rethinking my decision Saturday morning when I had to get up at 4:20 a.m.!!! We left our house around 5:25. The race started at 7:00. It was a lot of fun! Johnny walked with us and so did a good friend, Bill. Bill lives in Clanton and goes to church with Renee and Doug. He grew up next door to us. Doug, James and Annamarye watched and cheered us on! They drove around and talked to us throughout the race. It was really funny! The lady in front of us really laughed when I told the kids to go get me a coke icee! There was a 5k and a 10k run. We did the 5k. After the race we all went to The Kountry Kitchen and had breakfast.

We didn't win, but still had a good time. The Race for the Cure is in October so we are going to get ready for that one. Johnny did win a door prize drawing! It is a flower pot with some homemade strawberry jam, a t-shirt and a peach cookbook. The winners in the different age groups won peaches.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Nut Up

My Vacation Bible School t-shirt saved me from "nutting up" at the bank this morning. Generally speaking, I don't like banks and bank people. Sorry if I offend anyone out there. Last summer after my Dad passed away everyone at the bank was very nice and helpful! Those people I like. Others I don't.

My experience has been that they have an attitude. They never accept the fact that they make mistakes. Years ago the bank made a $1500 error on my checking account. When I called them about it, they gave me the run around because they never could make a mistake like that. Well, they had to eat their words, because it was their error. And then once a few years ago, they made an error and gave us $100. I went to the bank and had to convince them they made a mistake!! I was giving them back $100 and had to convince them of their mistake!!

Anyway, I tried to make a purchase online and they declined it and flagged it as fraud. (We have had problems with this before on vacation and now before going out of town I always go to the bank and let them know.) So I had to call and get it fixed and then re-order my purchase. Then this morning I am checking my accounts online and found that they returned a check by mistake. Luckily I had written the check from one of my accounts to another and nothing else was effected. But still it was their mistake and just really irritating that I had to go down there and deal with it. As I was walking in to the bank I realized I had on my VBS t-shirt! In our Sunday School class our teacher talks about "nutting up" in public and how it looks as a Christian. So I kept my anger in check and supposedly got it fixed. They are suppose to refund the return check charges too. I'll be watching it!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Time Fun!

The kids love washing the car! So Monday we washed the car. I'm not sure it got really clean, but we had fun playing in the water. I am afraid to see our water bill next month!

On a recent trip to the new Big Lots we bought some water balloons. Actually we had plenty of balloons, but we lost the nozzle part to fill them up. Or so I thought. Now we have three of them! They were in the bag with our balloons, I just couldn't see them. Anyway, while we were all wet from washing the car, we decided to have some balloon war fun! We filled up a couple of buckets and went at it!

James, always the boy, had to wear his gun for the battle!
I love summertime and our easy summertime schedule! I love being outside, washing the car, playing in the yard and not being in a hurry! I love having the time to cook with the kids too. They love it too, thank goodness. This week we have made two dishes together. We made chocolate pretzel bark. We didn't get any pictures because we were too busy eating! It was yummy and one recipe we will definitely make again!

We also made a favorite summer dish of mine - orzo pasta salad. The kids loved making this one because they got to go outside and tear off basil from our basil plant!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Galactic Blast!

Last week was Vacation Bible School. The theme was Galactic Blast! And it was a Blast! If you have never helped with VBS you should. It is so much fun! Last year I wasn't able to help, but I have ever other year since James was 5. You are exhausted at the end of the week, but it is definitely worth it! I have helped with snacks, photography and taught the kids classes over the years. So this year I decided to do something different - crafts. And I loved it! My friend Joy (you can see part of her in the background of this picture) and I were together. We had lots of fun together and had really great kids in our craft room.

Monday, June 7, 2010


James and Annamarye were acolytes Sunday morning at church. This was Annamarye's first time. She did great!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Great Day at the Pool!

My sister, Renee spent Friday night with us. Saturday we all went to the pool and had a great day! The weather was wonderful and the kids had lots of friends to play with! I didn't get too many pictures - I will in the water most of the time!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Smoothies and Summer Schedule

I am so excited about this:

I have wanted a Magic Bullet for a long time, but just couldn't pay $80 for one. Then I saw them at Kohl's on sale and I had a 20% coupon. Plus, I had $20 Kohl's cash. So I paid about $25 for it! I love a bargain!

We love to make smoothies during the summer. We use the blender, but with the bullet you can make it and serve it in the same mug. That way everyone can mix whatever smoothie they want. We haven't perfected our recipes yet, but we are having fun trying!

We are definitely on summer schedule! And I love it!! Here's Annamarye and her friend Ashleigh at the pool the other night. We had to leave early because of thunder, but they had a good time while there. We went home and they camped out in the family room watching a movie and dancing!
Here's James and Annamarye taking a lunch break yesterday.