Monday, May 31, 2010

Warning: Picture Overload

Friday was the kids' first day out of school for the summer! The pool wasn't open yet, so we met some friends here.

It was a blast! It opened 3 or 4 weeks ago. It was nice and clean and everyone was so nice, helpful and friendly! I hope that lasts.

There is no charge to get in. You pay for what you play. I paid for the activities and
I made the kids take their own money for the arcade type games. They each had their own card and had to swipe when they played games. There was a machine where you fed your tickets and then swiped your card and it kept up with your tickets that way. The prizes were really pretty good. Annamarye used some of her tickets and bought a bubble gum machine and James got a bouncy ball and something. It stores unused tickets and money on your card for the next visit. When their money ran out, they were done.

I'm not sure which twin this is, but I had to snap this picture!
James and a group played laser tag and Annamarye bowled a few times. Everyone rode the gar-carts! They are my favorite. I rode with Annamarye. I don't know if it was because we were the only ones there at the time, but the ride was very long! Definitely worth the money.

They have an indoor play area "tree top" . You do have to pay for this, but you get your hand stamped and can come and go. It was OK, more for little kids.

The best part was "Water Wars". They loved this! And the lady that was running it was the same worker we had at the go-carts. You basically shoot water balloons at each other using a big slingshot. There are two big water tanks that spray water up also. We were the only ones around for a while and the worker was really nice letting all of the kids help each other and giving extra sprays of water.

We bought lunch there and sat outside in the covered dining area so the kids could dry off some. There is also a putt putt course that we didn't do this time. Overall, it was expensive, but definitely worth it! We didn't use all of the money I put on my card so we can go back another time.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The End of...

Finally the end of school! I remember when my children were in preschool the moms in Bible Study talking about how May is usually busier than December/Christmas/holidays. Now I understand!
We have gone none stop the past couple of weeks. Here's a little glimpse into what's been going on:
The Third grade had a "Wax Museum". James was Tom Brady. It was fabulous and everyone did a terrific job. Each student picked someone famous and researched them. They dressed up as their person. They were lined up in the hallway and as you walked by you pushed the red button and they would tell about their self.

The Pirates lost in their 2ND game of the tournament playoffs. It was a tough game and tough season! But everyone learned a lot and had fun! We had our end of the season party last weekend at our friend Daniel's house. I think they had fun, what do you think?

Annamarye had a great season too! Here's Annamarye, Isabelle and Macy at the party. They were the little sisters of the team!

On Monday, James' class had a publishing party. James told me they were going to read their books to the parents. I was excited about going, however the thought of listening to the entire class take turns and read their book didn't thrill me. My days were limited at that time and I didn't want to sit there all morning. I was soooo glad to see them in groups of 5! James' book is called The Sandlot. He loves that movie, so it was about baseball of course! All of the kids in our group did a good job. The party was first thing in the morning, so Mrs. Price had breakfast for us! Yummy!
And Finally the last day of school!!!! Can you tell they are happy?

We are registered for the summer reading at the local library!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Stormy Night

This was the scene from our front porch Thursday night around 7:30 p.m.!

The rain moved in around 7:00 Thursday night. It was raining, but not too bad. There was more thunder and lightning than anything. The kids were in the family room and Johnny and I were in the kitchen. We heard a loud boom and a huge flash of lightning! I jumped it because it was so loud! The lightning hit our alarm system and knocked it out. We just had to reset it, so it was no big deal.

Later 10 minutes or so we heard sirens. I walked by the front door and looked out and saw smoke coming from above the trees across the street. My first thought was it was on the street behind our neighbors. Then I saw our neighbors backing out their cars and I realized it was their house. Everyone is safe!
Johnny and I grabbed our umbrellas and went out to help. Our neighbors were out of town and her parents were there with their youngest child who is 1. They also have two girls ages 4 and 7 and they were with the other grandparents.
There were 4 fire trucks and several police cars blocked off the road. They got the fire out quickly. Afterwards a company came and put tarps on everything to keep the rain out and from doing more damage. Later a firetruck came back to double check everything.
I went over their yesterday morning to see how they were doing. Michael and Rachel got back in town the night before and were there looking around. Their insurance agent was there too. The lightning struck the corner of the roof and fire started in the attic.
All of their stuff seems OK. There was water damage to the main level ceilings in the family room and kitchen. The top floor roof in the back is gone and you can see sky. The roof fell in over the laundry room. The jack and Jill bathroom is gone. It was very eerie - the door frame and door was there. The door was standing open and it looked like if you walked through the door you would just disappear. The firemen did a fabulous job shoving stuff in closets and pulling the furniture away from the walls to protect it.

They will have to move out for a few months while they rebuild/repair the upstairs. Everyone is safe and their stuff is fine, but please continue to keep them in your prayers.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Field Day and Catch Up

We are doing well here at the Morgan house! It seems like I begin every post with "we have been so busy lately" but ....

The school year is winding down as well as baseball season. Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week at school, so I was up there a few days for that. The PTO arranges a lunch for the teachers. Each grade level and several of the specialty teachers (art, music, etc.. ) and teacher's aides have a certain day they get to go out for lunch. This year the iJump limo picked them up and took them down the street to Miss Rosemarie's Tea Room. Monday I went and took James' class to lunch while Mrs. Price was gone. And I went back on Thursday to watch Annamarye's class at lunch. I was also at the school for my regular weekly library duty. I really enjoy volunteering in the library. I like seeing all of the kids and I always have fun with the librarian, Mrs. Lamb.

They also had field day last week! I didn't volunteer, but was up there taking pictures. Each year I put together a slide show for the kids' classes. So I wanted some more pictures. Here's a couple. I didn't think you would want to see too many pictures of a bunch of sweaty kids!

The Coaches do a great job with Field Day! The kindergarten classes and first grade classes have their field day in the morning and the 2ND and 3rd grade classes have theirs in the afternoon. There are stations set up and every 10 minutes the coaches blow a horn and the classes rotate. They had bouncy things, sack races, water relay races, a crushed ice station, tug of war and I can't remember what else.

On Friday I went to visit a dear sweet friend Shannon Dennis. She was James' and Annamarye's kindergarten teacher. On Tuesday she gave birth to this sweet baby boy!! Isn't he just precious!! His name is Thomas.

On Saturday the end of the season baseball tournament began. James' teacher, Mrs. Price came to watch several of her students play. Here she is with the James. James' team won so we play again tonight! Wish us luck! We beat the team we play tonight during the regular season, but anything can happen!

After James game on Saturday, James went to a friend's house and went swimming and Johnny went to do some work at my Dad's house.
Annamarye wanted to try out one of her new bathing suits, so we washed the outside of the windows. Annamarye did a great job helping me out. Afterwards we gave Lucy a bath, which is always exciting!

Here's Annamarye trying to catch Lucy for her bath! She tries to sneak up on her.

But Lucy is too smart for that!

Saturday night, Annamarye went to spend the night with her friend Hope. Here they are on the porch ready for church!

Gotta go get ready to cheer the Pirates on!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Moms out there! Enjoy the day!

As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you. Isaiah 66:13

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Sunday in May

Sunday was Decoration Sunday. I had never heard of it until I met Johnny. Every year on the first Sunday in May, everyone gathers at the cemetery and places flowers on the graves. It is really a neat thing and very nice to look at. Unfortunately it was rainy, yucky weather. Actually for the 2nd year in a row in was yucky weather.

Afterwards we all attended church services and then went to lunch. It was nice to visit and catch up with everyone.

All of the kids!

The boys didn't want to cooperate for a picture!

Happy Birthday James!

Happy Birthday to my sweet baby boy! I can't believe he is 10 years old today!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Dolly and Me Tea Party

Today we went to the 2nd annual My Dolly and Me Tea Party at church! Annamarye invited her friend, Gabriella to join us! Here they are with their Felicity American Girl dolls. Don't love Annamarye's hot pink gloves!

We had a wonderful time! They had a fashion show, then we ate some fabulous sandwiches and yummy cookies and watched a GiGi movie.

Third Grade Science Day

Friday was Third Grade Science Day at school. It was a great day, and I was very impressed by all of the work that went into the day. As a former teacher, I knew how much the teachers had to have done to pull it off! Thank you teachers! It started bright and early at 8:30 that morning. There were stations each class visited. I took the kids around to the stations, while Mrs. Price help coordinated everything and made sure things ran smoothly!

Our first station was exercise. A lady came from the YMCA and talked about eating healthy and exercise. The kids had fun doing all kinds of stretches and jumping around!

Next we went to see a lady from Ruffner Mountain. She brought all kinds of animals for the kids to see. She was really good!
This is some kind of salamander.
Below, is a corn snake. Yuck!

Next we heard a speaker from Oak Mountain State Park. She talked about animal tracks and had some great pictures for the kids.
After that we went to hear from two representatives from a local orthodontist. They were fabulous! They gave each child a bag and then played Pictionary using items related to the teeth. For example toothbrush, floss, toothpaste etc.. As they guessed the items, they gave each child one to put in their bag!

We took a break for lunch and a quick recess and then headed to the plants station. Each child got to plant something and take it home.

The kids then went and made goo. They also had fun just playing with bubbles and chalk outside.
Our last station was ice cream making! The kids went through an assembly line and put together baggies to make ice cream. Our group sat under the tree in the shade and they rolled and squished their bags for 5 minutes and then enjoyed their ice cream. I tasted James' and it was pretty good.

The grand finale was Jason Simpson, a local meteorologist who spoke to the entire third grade. He also is a cousin of James' teacher, Mrs. Price.

James and the other kids had a wonderful day! I told Mrs. Price to put me down to help next year too (I am assuming Annamarye will have her next year!)

Overall it was a fabulous day! The only negative was a volunteer at the plants station could have dressed a little better to help out with kids! She had on a halter type top that was entirely too low cut, and no bra with her big fake boobs hanging out! I, along with others, could not believe someone would show up at a school helping with kids dressed like that!