Saturday, May 29, 2010

The End of...

Finally the end of school! I remember when my children were in preschool the moms in Bible Study talking about how May is usually busier than December/Christmas/holidays. Now I understand!
We have gone none stop the past couple of weeks. Here's a little glimpse into what's been going on:
The Third grade had a "Wax Museum". James was Tom Brady. It was fabulous and everyone did a terrific job. Each student picked someone famous and researched them. They dressed up as their person. They were lined up in the hallway and as you walked by you pushed the red button and they would tell about their self.

The Pirates lost in their 2ND game of the tournament playoffs. It was a tough game and tough season! But everyone learned a lot and had fun! We had our end of the season party last weekend at our friend Daniel's house. I think they had fun, what do you think?

Annamarye had a great season too! Here's Annamarye, Isabelle and Macy at the party. They were the little sisters of the team!

On Monday, James' class had a publishing party. James told me they were going to read their books to the parents. I was excited about going, however the thought of listening to the entire class take turns and read their book didn't thrill me. My days were limited at that time and I didn't want to sit there all morning. I was soooo glad to see them in groups of 5! James' book is called The Sandlot. He loves that movie, so it was about baseball of course! All of the kids in our group did a good job. The party was first thing in the morning, so Mrs. Price had breakfast for us! Yummy!
And Finally the last day of school!!!! Can you tell they are happy?

We are registered for the summer reading at the local library!

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