Thursday, November 19, 2009

For Better or For Worse

WARNING: Really GROSS pictures below!

I dearly love my husband! I am so blessed to have a husband that takes such wonderful care of me! He has really been tested lately with the "For Worse" part of our wedding vows. He is probably thinking I know I said "For better or for worse", but this is more than I bargained for! LOL

Johnny was very supportive during my Father's brief illness and death. The past several months have continued to be topsy-turvy for our family. We are all very routine people in my family. None of us like change or drama. We function best when things just simply go along a normal pattern. In one of my Bible studies last year, someone described life as either dealing with struggles, just getting over or through a struggle or enjoying the time in between. For a long time I was enjoying the time in between. I now feel like I am caught in one struggle after another.

In August and September we really started working on cleaning out my Dad's house. I have always had back pain - probably all of those years of twisting and turning during my baton twirling days. Anyway, this was much worse and I began having spasms down my left leg. Long story short, I have a herniated disc in my back. I had an epidural pain block and have been to physical therapy. It is much better now, pretty much back to normal. The doctor said it could take 6 months or more to completely heal. Johnny and the kids were really great during that time helping out.

Before I was completely over that, I had to deal with another ailment. I felt a small sore on the back near the crown of my head. A few weeks ago I went for my 6 month check up with the dermatologist. Actually I was scheduled to go in July but it was rescheduled for August due to her vacation. I ended up cancelling - just couldn't make it. It's funny how God's timing for everything is just right.

Anyway, I went and pointed out the spot and she took a biopsy and of course it comes back basal cell carcinoma, a slow growing form of skin cancer. I went through something similar almost 2 years ago with a spot on my forehead. My regular dermatologist sent me to a different dermatologist to do what they call Mohs surgery on Tuesday. Last time since it was on my forehead I had to have a plastic surgeon stitch it up(51 stitches). This time the dermatologist was able to stitch it up. Everything went well and I have just been taking it easy for a few days. No lifting, bending etc.. I go back next Tuesday to have the stitches removed.

I have posted a couple of pictures below. I warn you they are not pretty. The first picture is one I took with my camera while I was waiting on the doctor to look at it and decide if he was going to stitch it up or send me somewhere else. The next picture Johnny took at 4:00 in the morning the next day. He had to leave early that morning, but I needed it cleaned before he left.

I am sharing these to stress the importance of sunscreen! My kids haven't seen the pictures (from this time and of my forehead) before it was stitched up. I didn't want to scare them too much. They have seen my head stitched up and I tell them this is why I coat you down with sunscreen!

On a side note, if you ever have a spot and are going to have it removed, get your hair colored and cut beforehand! With my forehead I didn't do that and had to go a couple of months without getting my hair done! This time the day I got the results I called and changed my appointment to get it done before last Tuesday!

Ok, here's your last chance to turn away.

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