Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where did the week go?

Where did the days go this week? The kids had the Boosterthon Fun Run at school on Monday.
For those of you that are wondering what that is - it is where the kids get sponsors to pledge money per lap they run or just give a flat donation. It is sooo much fun! (Except getting the sponsors, which our kids are only allowed to ask a few relatives. I hate when they coached kids to ask for money. I'll just leave it at that.) Anyway, it really is a blast, and the kids absolutely love it. The company that does it marks off the fields and they have a huge tunnel type inflatable for the kids to run through. There is a stereo system set up playing music etc.. I don't know how much money they made, but James and Annamarye had a blast!

Also this was Parenting Week at school. Tuesday was 2nd grade and Thursday was 3rd grade. Parents visit the classrooms and stay for lunch. Annamarye's class showed us lots of math games they are playing and James' class put on a few Reader's Theatre plays for us. Here's a picture of Annamarye and me. My friend Jeanne took one of James and me with her camera I'll get and post later. Johnny didn't make it for Parenting Days because he took a day off last week and went with James' class on a field trip. I'll post pictures from that soon.

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