Friday, November 12, 2010

Christian Atheist

When someone joins the Methodist church they stand before the congregation and take an oath. In that oath, they promise to support the church "with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service". A few years ago "witness" was added. It caused quite the stir, let me tell you. Everyone had to re-commit to the church. I was a little nervous too. Was I going to be expected to get up and speak in front of people?! I am one of those that fears public speaking more than death. I think most people felt the same way. I have no trouble teaching Sunday School (kids that is), VBS, Children's Church etc...
Recently I have thought about about witnessing. It is easy to talk with other Christians about Christ. Does that count as witness? Time passed and I really hadn't thought much more about it until Johnny and I visited a Sunday School class and they were reading and discussing a book called The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist by Craig Groeschel. It is a fabulous book! What do you do in your everyday living for God? I know I don't do enough!! I think in some ways I am a Christian Atheist. It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life and our wants. I don't want to spoil it for you by telling you too much. I highly recommend this book! It really gave me lots to think about.

One area it talks about in the book is missed moments. You have to be aware and take opportunities to share God's word when you can. Don't miss them. You may never get that chance back.

I think God was reminding me about this "witnessing" stuff the other week. I had taken my car in to the shop. It was going to be a while so I started to read. I was reading on the iPad and a lady next to me asked me about it. I told her that I loved it because I had my Bible, daily devotion and books to read all on one easy to carry device. We chatted a minute and that was that. Then I heard the words "Jehovah's Witness" and cringed. She was very nice and really not pushy at all - thank goodness. I have to say as I sat there and I watched her quietly get up and go around to others in the room and pass out a flyer/brochure and talk to the others in the waiting room, I started thinking, isn't that what we are called to do? To witness to others? I wasn't getting up and talking to others. I wasn't sharing my faith. Do you?
Just something to think about.

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