Saturday, May 1, 2010

Third Grade Science Day

Friday was Third Grade Science Day at school. It was a great day, and I was very impressed by all of the work that went into the day. As a former teacher, I knew how much the teachers had to have done to pull it off! Thank you teachers! It started bright and early at 8:30 that morning. There were stations each class visited. I took the kids around to the stations, while Mrs. Price help coordinated everything and made sure things ran smoothly!

Our first station was exercise. A lady came from the YMCA and talked about eating healthy and exercise. The kids had fun doing all kinds of stretches and jumping around!

Next we went to see a lady from Ruffner Mountain. She brought all kinds of animals for the kids to see. She was really good!
This is some kind of salamander.
Below, is a corn snake. Yuck!

Next we heard a speaker from Oak Mountain State Park. She talked about animal tracks and had some great pictures for the kids.
After that we went to hear from two representatives from a local orthodontist. They were fabulous! They gave each child a bag and then played Pictionary using items related to the teeth. For example toothbrush, floss, toothpaste etc.. As they guessed the items, they gave each child one to put in their bag!

We took a break for lunch and a quick recess and then headed to the plants station. Each child got to plant something and take it home.

The kids then went and made goo. They also had fun just playing with bubbles and chalk outside.
Our last station was ice cream making! The kids went through an assembly line and put together baggies to make ice cream. Our group sat under the tree in the shade and they rolled and squished their bags for 5 minutes and then enjoyed their ice cream. I tasted James' and it was pretty good.

The grand finale was Jason Simpson, a local meteorologist who spoke to the entire third grade. He also is a cousin of James' teacher, Mrs. Price.

James and the other kids had a wonderful day! I told Mrs. Price to put me down to help next year too (I am assuming Annamarye will have her next year!)

Overall it was a fabulous day! The only negative was a volunteer at the plants station could have dressed a little better to help out with kids! She had on a halter type top that was entirely too low cut, and no bra with her big fake boobs hanging out! I, along with others, could not believe someone would show up at a school helping with kids dressed like that!

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