Monday, March 8, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Busy, Busy, Busy! I keep hearing Mr. Hinkle from Frosty the Snowman saying those words as he rushes home to write his sentences. That describes my life right now. Don't get me wrong, I am loving every minute of it. It is just busy.

We are just about done with baseball practices and are about to move into game mode. I absolutely love baseball season! I love being outside and seeing everyone! James had practice yesterday afternoon. Annamarye and I went too and she rode her scooter while I walked. It was a great day to be outdoors! That sounds like someone old doesn't it? James is supposed to have a practice game tomorrow night. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

Last Friday I went with James' class on a field trip to McWane Center. Yes, I was just there two weeks ago with Annamarye's class. I have been more times than I care to count on field trips. We have had a membership ever since James was a toddler. I love taking my kids. I don't love taking/going with other kids. Just Kidding. I always enjoy the trip, but it is always crazy crowded - which I why I always go. McWane Center allows too many school groups to attend at a time. Therefore there are kids everywhere!! Not all of them closely chaperoned.

Anyway, enough ranting about that. Here's some pictures of our trip: I had a good group that day! Here's most of their class waiting for the space program to start.

James riding the bicycle.

These two sweet girls were in my group.

This is inside the spaceship. It was a lot of fun. The lights go out and you are transported to the space station.

Here's the boys in the tornado tube. The numbers at the top tell the wind speed. It goes up to around 80 mph! Of course they all screamed, but really loved it!

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